All classes should be based around conditioning - however, the emphasis will vary greatly from one class to another.
Those classes that specifically emphasize conditioning, or use the word in the class name, typically have a more targeted focus.
So what is conditioning? It refers to the process of getting in shape, which is usually defined as: - Improving muscle tone
- Improving aerobic work capacity
- Attaining or maintaining ideal body weight
Thus classes of this nature tend to focus very directly on these key elements of fitness. You would thus expect to find a combination of the following elements: - Aerobic/cardio training
- Strength training
- Good nutrition
- Weight control
This also means that these classes tend to take a more personal approach, establishing personal goals, and then using exercises and techniques to meet these individual needs.
An approach such as this is ideal for people who have specific needs, and prefer a more individual approach to the more fun-filled atmosphere of most group classes.