

The muscles of the abdominal wall make up what are commonly referred to as 'abs' by people the world over. The abdominal wall spans from below the pectoral muscles all the way down to just below the pubic bone.

Having well-toned and defined abs is a big deal to many who workout, as this type of conditioning is commonly referred to as a 'six pack'.

The six pack is actually the epigastric, umbilical and hypogastric muscles that have become well-defined due to many exercises that are meant to grow the muscle tissue specifically in that area. The pursuit of so-called 'ripped abs' is so great that the fitness market is awash in machines that are specifically marketed as being able to tone your abs. Many of these expensive gadgets and machines have little or no other use for any other target zone except for the abdominal region.

Specific exercises for this target zone will workout the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the region. They should be paired with back exercises as well, as these types of exercises are made much easier and effective when done with a strong and healthy back. The overall impact will make your trunk or core stronger and make all exercises easier and more efficient-even cardio.

Crunches, reverse crunches, yoga and tai chi are all thought to be the best exercises to help you build up your trunk. They can also be incorporated into a circuit training program where you mix cardio, strength and endurance training all into one workout. To get maximum results it is recommended to do trunk exercises four times a week for at least 10-20 minutes per session.



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