Pilates for Golf


You may not think of this type of training, however doing Pilates for golf purposes can come in particularly handy if you are very involved with this sport.

In this sport you are constantly twisting and turning which creates a great deal of stress on the back muscles. By taking Pilates for golf classes the instructor will first help to loosen up these muscles so you do not get a back injury and secondly, they will teach you how to stand and twist while still maintaining proper posture.

This is extremely important because when your body gets out of alignment and then there is a twisting motion happening, your spinal column can get out of place leading to the development of neck or limb pain.

A Pilates for golf class is also an excellent way to help relax when your life becomes stressful. If you are carrying lots of tension in your shoulders due to problems at work or otherwise it is going to likely throw off the natural rhythm of your swing and hence affect your game.

The final reason you should look into a class is because it will help to increase your flexibility. This will then help your swing follow through and help you twist your back more comfortably while playing, thus decreasing the chances you get injured in the first place. With an increased flexibility you will also gain a heightened sense of balance which will also come in helpful when you are out on the greens.

If you are looking for something to compliment your practice time on the course, take up one of these classes. You will likely be very satisfied from the results you see, not only with the improvement in your game but also with how you physically feel overall.



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