Want to learn what makes a great Diverticulitus Diet? This uncomfortable condition occurs when tiny pockets on the walls of your intestines become inflamed.
Discovering and sticking to a Diverticulitus Diet is paramount to allowing your intestinal track time to heal. So what kinds of foods are suggested by a Diverticulitus Diet in order to remove undue strain from the digestive system?
A Diverticulitus Diet advocates foods that are classified as low-residue. This means that unlike many other diets recommended for intestinal health, the Diverticulitus Diet advises you to stay away from high fibre foods, which may get caught in the pockets and lead to increased swelling.
Some good low-residue starch choices include enriched white bread, bagels and English muffins, non-fibrous cereals like Cornflakes or Cheerios, tea biscuits and refined white pasta or rice. Low residue fruit options are applesauce, cantaloupe, peaches, watermelon or grapes. Steer clear of dried fruits, berries or raisins which can contain pits or seeds.
Some good veggie options are carrots, mushrooms, celery, eggplant, potatoes without the skins, squash and zucchini. Make sure all veggies are well cooked. Avoid veggies like broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. For your daily protein intake, go for tender meat, fish and eggs, all well cooked. Stay away from lentils, nuts or seeds of any kind. Lastly, talk to your doctor about which dairy products are suitable for you, and make sure your fluid intake is high.
Once you've got your symptoms under control, you can begin to reintroduce fibre back into your eating plan. A high fibre intake is your number one weapon against future episodes of this painful condition.