Low Carb Diet


Want to learn more about a low carb diet plan? In recent years, the low carb diet plan has become one of the most popular and recommended methods of losing weight.

The low carb diet advocates reducing the overall amount of grains, starches and sugars you consume, and has proven so effective that it's lead to a wealth of popular variations including The Atkin's Plan, The South Beach Plan and The GI Plan.

So what is it about eating fewer carbohydrates that helps you loose weight? And how can you pick a low carb diet that suits your tastes and lifestyle?

These eating plans work on the principle that eating large quantities of grains or refined sugars can causes our blood sugar levels to spike, leading to a rise in our insulin levels. This triggers our bodies to go into fat storing mode. Also, when the blood sugar levels drop off again, we're left craving sugary snacks or bread products that will just start the cycle again.

By limiting your carbohydrate intake, these eating plans aim to regulate insulin levels, thereby encouraging the body to burn fat rather than store it. These eating plans generally encourage you to increase your intake of proteins and fats while limiting your intake of carbohydrates. When carbohydrates are included, most of these eating plans claim that vegetables are the best kind of carbohydrates, then fruits, with grains at the bottom of the hierarchy.

While these plans usually result in substantial weight loss, there are concerns about their long-term effects on your body. Nutritionists point out that reducing fruits and vegetables can leave you without vital vitamins and minerals, while an eating plan that is very low in fibre can lead to constipation and other intestinal problems.

There are also concerns over the levels of saturated fat consumed, and the effects of this on cholesterol levels.

If you are considering this kind of eating plan, consult your doctor to make sure that you will continue to meet all your daily nutritional requirements.



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