High Protein Food


Need to be able to identify high protein food items in order to follow your chosen eating plan?

Many strength and endurance athletes adopt a diet which places a lot of importance on an increased intake of high protein food items as a means to build and maintain muscle.

It's also important for individuals who have chosen a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle to have knowledge of a variety of vegetarian option high protein food items in order to make sure that their daily dietary requirements are met.

And a diet full of high protein food items can be helpful for slimmers because these foods tend to help you feel fuller for longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating. Whatever your reasoning, it's helpful to have an understanding of how a variety of high protein foods compare to one another in order to plan an eating strategy that provides for your unique dietary needs.

The richest sources tend to come from foods in their natural form, before they've been processed or altered. For example, based on 100 gram servings, roast beef contains 28 grams, chicken, and cheddar cheese have 25 grams, fish weighs in at 21 grams, and a pint of milk contains 19 grams. For the vegetarians out there, low fat yoghurt contains 8 grams as does tofu, and soya milk has 6 grams.

Processed foods tend to have slightly less of the nutrient, and also contain more fat. For a 100g serving, sausages contain 12 grams, bacon has 25 grams and ham has 18 grams.

Another way to get this vital nutrient is through supplements and bars. These tend to have very high concentrations, but are also often full of sugars and devoid of other important nutrients. However, if you've just looking to bulk up, they'll help you do the job. 100 grams of IST Pure Glutamine contains 98%, Myoplex has 42 grams and Met-RX bars contain 27 grams.

If you are looking to increase your intake it's important to consider the impact on your overall health. Make sure that you are still getting your daily requirements for all the other vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are necessary for your wellbeing.



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