Looking for guidance for your gluten free diet? If you suffer from Celiac Disease, or wheat intolerance, implementing a strict gluten free diet is the only way to stop painful symptoms and ensure that you are properly nourished.
A gluten free diet seeks to eliminate any and all foods containing this substance, including wheat, barley, rye or oats, because these foods can cause a sufferer's intestinal track to become inflamed and produce mucous that impedes the absorption of vital nutrients.
So how can you tell which are good foods to eat and which to avoid on a gluten free diet?
Following a strict gluten-free diet is not as easy as it sounds. Firstly, in most western cuisine, avoiding most grain products is a daunting task given that grain products are a staple of western meal plans. Secondly, the maximum safe level of this substance that most sufferers of Celiac Disease can consume is 0.02% of the food item - meaning that even traces of wheat flour used in the preparation of food can be a problem.
Many foods that don't actually contain offending grain products can sometimes become contaminated by being manufactured in the same factory as normal foods, and cause a reaction in an unsuspecting sufferer. What this means is that sufferers and their families have to become very versed in what foods are likely to cause reactions.
The good news is, with this condition on the rise, there are lots of products and recipe books available to help sufferers enjoy a varied meal plan. There are also plenty of substitute foods to choose from, including maize, rice, and potatoes, as well as more exotic grains like arrowroot, lupine or buckwheat. Flours made of beans, soybean and nuts are also available.
People suffering from this condition should steer clear of convenience foods and alcohols such as beer that are made from wheat. If you have further questions about creating a meal plan, please consult your doctor.