3 Day Diet


Want to learn more about the 3 day diet? Many people champion the 3 day diet as a means of losing weight quickly, particularly in the run up to a special occasion, such as a wedding or graduation.

If you're considering trying the 3 day diet, you'll probably want to know how it claims to work using food combining to induce weight loss. And is there any truth to it's claims that you can lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days?

The 3 day diet claims to work on the principle that by combining particular foods, it sets off a metabolic reaction in your body which triggers you to burn more fat and calories. Because the meal regime is severely limited and some food groups almost entirely eliminated, the plan is restricted to only 3 days in duration. Should you wish to do the plan again, it's recommended that you wait at least 5 days in between tries.

The plan dictates exactly what you should eat over the course of the 3 days. The foods suggested tend to be low in carbohydrates, particularly refined sugars, and high quantities of protein are advocated. There is also a significant emphasis on black coffee as the beverage of choice.

The truth about this plan is that any weight loss experienced will likely be a result of the fact that this plan, if followed correctly, severely limits your caloric intake. There is no scientific support for the idea that the combination of foods sparks your metabolism. In addition, since carbohydrates are limited, most of the weight loss is likely to be water because carbohydrates encourage the natural, healthy retention of water, so limiting them will prevent this. Compounding this is the fact that coffee acts as a diruretic. Lastly, slimmers should be warned that this kind of plan does little to further permanent weight loss because it doesn't teach the slimmer how to successfully alter their eating habits to encourage permanent losses.



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