Personal Training


When just beginning an exercise regimen, personal training is something that you should look into. These are fitness professionals who must be licensed in most states and can help you not only with your workout goals but your dietary goals as well.

Studies have shown that dieting alone or exercising alone is not nearly as effective as doing both at the same time, and personal training will help you achieve both.

Your local gym can assign someone to you for an extra fee. No matter how much you pay for your gym membership, personal training is almost never included in that fee. You can expect each session of 30 minutes to cost upwards of $75, with seasoned pros charging two to three times this per session.

You may be able to negotiate a smaller price or a free evaluation session if the trainer in question is new and looking for clients. But for the most part, personal training is going to cost you.

Luckily, the sessions are worth every penny. The 30 minutes or so that usually make a session are intense and high-impact. The pro is there to push you and make you work harder than you normally do. This is the best way to achieve results- by something called overload. Overload means pushing your muscles further than they are used to in order to gain a result.

You will want to work with a pro on this because overload can easily lead to injury if not done properly. A licensed pro will be able to help you toe the line between injury and results. In fact, you will often get faster, better results. Because of this, many people take on additional sessions and continue to work with a pro long after they achieve their initial goals.



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