Back Pain Symptom


The cause of discomfort will determine which back pain symptoms that you might have.

It could be a tear or rip in the muscles of the area or nerve root pressure. It is important to recognize your back pain symptoms to determine which treatment plan is right for you.

Consult with your doctor if you are having any pack pain symptoms. These can range from mild to extremely severe. If you can catch the problem in the early stages, better treatment options can be available. Consult your doctor with a detailed description of your signs so he can make a diagnosis and recommend treatment as soon as possible. Some back pain symptoms include:

  • Stiffness or cramping in the muscles
  • Pain back and buttocks. The pain can be acute or chronic and is often relieved with rest
  • Leg soreness - if pain is below the knee it is most likely a muscular problem. If pain travels all the way down the leg it is called sciatica
  • Tingling, numbness, or weakness in the legs, buttocks and/or feet

There are many treatment options available.

No matter which route you take, make sure that you monitor your program to determine if the therapy is working for you.



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