Are you looking for a rapid weight loss pill? Perhaps you are simply curious about whether a rapid weight loss pill can actually be effective in helping you to shed unwanted pounds.
If this is the case, then can help to answer your questions and can provide you with all the information you will need on the variety and health impacts of taking a rapid weight loss pill as a dietary supplement.
A rapid weight loss pill is a drug often referred to as an anorexiant. Used to battle obesity, these drugs are available as both prescription and as over-the-counter medications. Some of these medications act as appetite suppressants, others as nutritional supplements, laxatives or metabolic enhancers. These drugs are often taken orally in the form of tablets, teas or other drink mixtures and can contain multiple combinations of synthetic and herbal elements.
While some of these drugs claim to enable you to quickly shed unwanted pounds, there are still many negative health impacts that must be considered.
Side effects can range from insomnia, fatigue, mood swings and irritability, unusual heart beat, increased blood pressure, increased risk of heart disease, damage to the kidneys, seizure, stroke and even death. As such it is very important to educate yourself fully on the proposed benefits and potential risks of taking these medications, especially for extended periods of time.
In addition, studies have often been inconclusive on the effectiveness of these fast forms of dieting. Even when taking these drugs, it is recommended that the individual follow a balanced diet and a regular exercise regime to facilitate a healthier body mass. Refer to and your doctor for more information and guidance when undertaking efforts to follow a more balanced diet and healthier lifestyle.