Central Nervous System


The central nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord which are located in and protected by the skull and the vertebral column.

They control your senses and your ability to think and reason. The central nervous system allows you to be conscious and have thoughts, memories, and language.

The central nervous system is the processing centre for all of our body's functions. Any errors in the centre will result in impaired function.

Here are some symptoms that indicate that your central nervous system may be damaged:

  • Weakness or numbness in one side of your body
  • Problems with vision
  • Problems with speech
  • Acute headaches
  • Seizures
  • Altered mental state
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea or vomiting

Many of these symptoms are very serious and require immediate medical attention. If you suffer from less severe symptoms, it is important to visit your doctor as soon as possible so he can determine the cause of your discomfort.

Exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, limiting tobacco and alcohol use, protecting yourself from head injuries, staying hydrated and getting plenty of rest will lower your risk of have these complications.



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